What is the Meaning & Definition of Hematology (laboratory test)

A Hematology is a laboratory study in which the values corresponding to the number and percentage distribution of various cells of blood, hemoglobin value and the so-called hematimétricos indexes are reported. The study of Hematology is analyzing a blood sample must be taken in a tube containing an anticoagulant, substance that will prevent the blood from clotting so can be evaluated the different cells that make it up. Usually used a tube to the vacuum with a purple lid containing EDTA as an anticoagulant inside and it is not necessary that the person is fasting to carry it out.
The parameters that are reported in a comprehensive hematology are as follows:
Red blood cells.
They are also known as erythrocytes, are the cells responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood, which contains within it the protein known as hemoglobin. Under normal conditions there are 4 to 5 million red blood cells per milliliter of blood.
White blood cells.

These cells are part of the immune system, in the Haematology reported neutrophils, lymphocytes, basophils, and eosinophils. Their normal values are from 5000 to 10000 per cubic millimeter. In abnormal conditions it is possible to make premature for this type of cells forms which guide to diseases such as leukemia. White blood cells are elevated in case of infections caused by bacteria, and may be decreased in infections caused by some virus, elevation in the values of eosinophils is related to the presence of allergic States.
Platelets are also called, are the cells responsible for carry out the process of tissue repair after damage, they are capable of activating the process of blood clotting. Its normal value lies between 150,000 to 300,000 per cubic millimeter
It is a protein that is intended to transport the oxygen that this lungs to different tissues of the body, as well as bring back the carbon dioxide produced in the cells to the lungs so that it is eliminated by the breath. Normal hemoglobin values are between 12 and 16 grams per deciliter. When the values of hemoglobin are below normal limits we are in the presence of a disease called anemia.
This value indicates the percentage of blood that is made up of red blood cells is very useful when you want to identify the degree of dehydration in a person.
Rates hematimétricos.
Hematology also allows to evaluate parameters such as the amount of hemoglobin that contains each red blood cell as well as the size of the latter, this is of great utility to set what is the cause of anemia when it is present.