What is the Meaning & Definition of Digital Journalism

The great expansion of the internet impacted in journalism

The tremendous expansion of the internet reached all orders and levels of life, and of course, journalism, a profession so relevant in these times of today and always, could not stay outside, aside from this development that has internet in the lives of people around the world.

A journalism that is made and broadcast by the network of networks

Then, in the specific case of journalism the arrival of internet influenced in such a way that generated a specific modality as it is the Digital Journalism, which is precisely characterized by developing the network of networks. I.e., this type of journalism is produces and diffuses completely via the internet.
Fantastic development new technologies achieved in the last decades of the last century and so far this XXI century promoted the creation of a journalism that has internet as main frame and support fantastic way.

The traditional media move to the web

The mass media such as television, radio and graphic media, the tremendous internet advanced, would not lose in any way the benefits that this new medium generated as a result of popular acceptance, and is therefore also decided to venture into it and moved their modes of expression and their genres to the web.
Today, newspapers, TV, radios, among others, channels have their own web spaces in which to develop the digital journalism. Today, it is possible that we can inform us directly through the internet by entering through the web, with computer or with mobile devices, the pages of newspapers, or the of the information channels, among other options.

A space that also generates its own information

Even, we must emphasize that many news are now generated on the web and then soar to traditional media. Social networks like Twitter and Facebook are constant generating journalistic information which then will be raised by the TV, radio and print media, that echo information generated first in these spaces on the internet so popular today.
While many predicted that this advance of internet would end with the traditional media such as newspapers and TV, this has not happened much less and not expected that this will happen. The various media that display the journalism coexist harmoniously and as already said is nourish each other.