What is the Meaning & Definition of editorial

The term editorial, which is derived from the Latin root of the word "Publisher" with the suffix "-ial ', admits two broad meanings. It can be, depending on the case, an adjective or a noun. As an adjective, means what is relative or or which belongs to the world of publishing (print / journalism) and publishers. For example: "the publishing industry has dropped 17% year last because of piracy", "the inclusion of the novelist as a regular columnist was a great success of the journal editorial.
An editorial (also called "editorial"), on the other hand, as a name, is an article, signed or not, expressing the opinion of a person (usually of a journalist) about important information. It is therefore a comment, insofar as it is an opinion piece, which is the reflection of an ideological/editorial line, that is, a common thought in an editorial board of a newspaper, a radio or a string of television on issues that are addressed. In this sense, the editorial is a journalistic genre.

This kind of article, which is placed most of the time in the first pages (in head) of the journals/newspapers or magazines, expresses so the position, beliefs or the policy editor or a current topic editorial team: "the editorial published by Le Parisien last Wednesday was very hard towards the recent actions of the Government. "The president of the Republic has remained very upset with editorials that the press has published lately".

In the world of digital and new technologies, information letters (also known as "newsletters") may also contain an editorial.