What is the Meaning & Definition of Banal

Image courtesy: Cristina Polop The banal term is a qualifying adjective used to designate a certain type of attitude, or phenomena or situations normally considered little important, superficial and little engaged. The banal can be a way for a person, but may also be a phenomenon, as for example when refers to the private life of a celebrity. In this sense, although the idea of trivial is subjective to each person and each type of situation, usually considered that issues relating to appearance, the world of entertainment, gossip, material life are all examples of banal things other much more complex and painful to human phenomena such as poverty poverty, hunger, and different types of crimes.
The idea that what a person is banal may not be for another person is correct. However, at the social level it is normally accepted that things related to appearance, material life, luxury and the idea of being famous are always banal because we talk about ways to entertain the mind and the body posed no true happiness if you are not simply a fantasy of what life really is and what man can do to improve the world in which we live.
The complexity of the concept of banal or banality lies in the fact that many of the things that are so considered are highly criticized or evil seen by an important part of society. However, they attract the same time a large part of the population and this is so because often banal things are precisely what make forget all problems and complications of everyday life in which any human being is inserted.