What is the Meaning & Definition of chronic

The chronic word derives from the latin chronĭca, which in turn derives from the Greek kronika biblios ("books that follow the order of time"). This refers to a story in which the facts follow chronological order, after the Editions Larousse French dictionary. A chronicle is, moreover, a topic of print or audiovisual media information (radio or televises) devoted to news in a particular area.
In another context, this term includes all the values taken by a statistical variable at different successive periods.
Concerning diseases, the concept of Chronicle then derives from the latin chronĭcus and refers to what is usual or extends over time.
Chronic illness means any pathology of long duration which cannot provide the end or healing and may even be ever cured. There is no clear consensus on the period from which a disease may be considered chronic.
As a narrative, the Chronicle records the facts (or events) following the order of the time they took place, usually using face-to-face testimony or contemporaries, to the first or third person.
The Chronicles are supposed to use a simple, direct and personal language with a reiterative use of adjectives to the descriptions highlight. On the other hand, they are space and time, although references only with a certain gap time (or offset) compared to historical accounts.
On styles columnist who compiles and who writes past or current events.