What is the Meaning & Definition of fog

Fog is the weather phenomenon which involves the presence of very low clouds, almost at ground level and consists of tiny particles of water in suspension. This situation occurs as a result of the evaporation of moisture from the soil, then climbs the moist air that cools it condenses and forms these super low clouds.
There is a classification of the different mists, which will depend on the cooling causing condensation. Thus it is that in some places we could find radiation fog which is one that occurs after the sunset, once cold soil, the condensation of the air. This situation is common in countries of temperate climate during the autumn.
Wind fog occurs when moisture-laden air masses pass by floors cold, cooling the air, this occurs regularly at the coasts. Then we have to mist of steam that occurs when cold air moves over warmer waters, becoming the condensation point dew, this what we see at the end of the autumn early winter.
On the other hand we have the fog of precipitation occurring just as you tell us its name because the air after the cloud is dry when it rains. The fog of hillside property in area of mountain peaks and is formed when the wind blows against a mountain slope.
Fog along with other meteorological phenomena such as storms or high winds, one of the main causes of air and automobile accidents, is because visibility at times of the presence of this is greatly reduced, and may it become of 10 km., almost impossible for circulation routes or landing and takeoff of aircraft.