What is the Meaning & Definition of Musical note

Musical note can be understood as the most basic and primordial sound and music element. The musical note is the element from which the different melodies and harmonies in the music arm since each one of them represents a particular sound and indivisible, put together with others, a more complex and long lasting sound weapon. Musical notes are abstract elements but are represented symbolically in the staves so that they can be read and interpreted by musicians. Many believe that the musical notes are equivalent to atoms, basic and indivisible units of matter. The same happens with the musical notes since they are those that allow composing more complex and long lasting sound systems. The notes do not exist by themselves as the atoms, but they are an interpretation that human beings made of different sounds in the world that surrounds us. Musical notes are seven: Do - Re - Mi - Fa - Sol - La - Si. This is known as a musical scale and is just like a scale, which is represented on the staff. The combination of these musical notes the addition of other elements that accompany or variation between each one of them is what allows to compose different types of music.
Due to the variety of tones and sounds that exist for each note, the music is as varied and complex as it is known. If added to this speed, rhythm and other elements get various musical rhythms that are completely different and which are played in very distinct ways. One of the most important features of the notes is that they must always be combined harmoniously so that the sound obtained it is pleasing to the human ear, don't Detune it neither sounds aggressive, circumstances that can occur when notes are not properly combined.