What is the Meaning & Definition of narration

A narrative is a tidy story of real or fictitious events that saved a relative consistency. It is possible to find stories from the most remote vestiges of extinct civilizations that gave us precious and elaborate accounts of their culture. The first stories were recorded in writing come from oral traditions spread in advance. For example, both the Iliad and the Odyssey are a transfer to the writing of songs that meant a story. What is considered literature today is partly the evolution of these first sketches of written narratives.
Another example of narrative can give it the history, although in this case referring to verifiable events using sources. Obviously, it is a discipline that aims to achieve a significant degree of rigor, other guidelines add to follow as well as those of a conventional narrative. Like the fictional narrative, the origin of the story must drag in ancient times.
A criterion rather reported on the Organization of a narrative is the division in knot introduction and denouement. This approach is especially useful to analyze fiction. Thus, introduction would be constituted by the basic characters and environment presentation, the knot by the development of a conflict and the outcome by conclusion where difficulties are resolved. Some of these items may be missing or may have altered your order, but his candidacy serves as a general overview.
It is important to note that the Act of narration is a way to transmit experiences and experiences among peers and that is far from being a job for specialists, being instead a fact intrinsic to the capacity of the human communication. The Act of performing a narrative has as a facet of ethics that the experiences shared by the story to avoid the mistakes of the past to multiply in the future and that the hits are repeated.