What is the Meaning & Definition of native

The native Word is frequently used to refer to any individual who belongs or relates to the place in which it was born. The singer Shakira is a native of Barranquilla, Colombia. Registration is only open to those native citizens. My grandfather is a native of the city of Galicia, instead my grandmother is a native of Malaga. But also the term is related to the indigenous or regardless of the geographical location in which are aborigines, i.e., to them, is called popularly as native.
Because somehow the Indians constitute that population originating in a particular territory, which was established earlier than other more modern considered peoples. I.e., the social organizations that native peoples have are prior to the emergence of the modern State, mostly, because their culture was kept on the sidelines of the European influence after the expansion of the colony.
Most popularly recognized native or Aboriginal are among the Mayas, Aztecs and Incas by the remarkable degree of evolution which showed their cultures. Others who also stood out in the Americas are the diaguitas, pampas, querandíes, Araucanians, onas, and Guarani, with different levels of development and which were largely disappearing at the force after the conquest of the continent by the Kingdom of Spain. Many were evangelized and were gradually losing their cultural traits.
Although it is a fact that there are still many native peoples around the world, the living conditions of most of these turn out to be extremely precarious and fight so that States recognize their rights and independence.
Anyway, and to be fair also, there are cases, although they are less, than natives who continue to maintain the traditions of their culture and at the same time have acquired habits and the customs of modern Western life, even up to work in big cities.
On the other hand, everything that is in a close relationship or is typical of these peoples also identified as it native, native, the language, the native language.