What is the Meaning & Definition of neo-classicism

Known as neoclassicism to the literary and artistic mainstream in Europe during the 18th century and that proposed as main objective restoring the taste and standards proposed by the classicism. Recall, that classicism was an aesthetic trend whose base was the imitation of ancient Greek or Roman models, which valued the harmony of proportions of the art object. Then with the clear desire to recover that past began to develop different expeditions just proposed meet the ancient works in the place in which it had been conceived. So travelers, artists, critics and scholars traveled to the great cultural centers of antiquity to recover the history and illustrate more and more about it.
While it lasted, neoclassical architecture was proposed to the realization of buildings that contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of men, such as libraries, museums, hospitals, parks, theaters, among others. Many works preserved the monumental character although the base was always the logic. Models of buildings such as those in Egypt, Asia minor, Rome and Greece are transformed into unique references, all the architects of the time used them.
On the other hand, sculptures were mostly made in white marble without polychrome, because it was believed that thus he gave them is an air of simplicity and purity, which is certainly contraponía to the ornate Baroque, meanwhile, nude and portrait occupied a preferential place in the sculpture.
And in the field of literature, things have also changed... it was heading to an increasingly broad audience and as a means of social communication. More topics were the criticisms to the customs, the importance of education, the role of women and the pleasures of life. The fable would reach remarkable importance with his stories usually exemplified by animals, which presents moral teachings.