What is the Meaning & Definition of Neurosis

Neurosis to a set of psychic disorders that interfere with the ability to interact socially and to behave in a rational way is called. These conditions do not have a correlation with a lesion or organic problems. They are characterized by a sense of anguish and maladjusted behaviour seeking to eliminate suffering. The origin of the term dates back to the 17TH century, when Willem Cullen, Scottish physician, published a work in which describes this condition as a general disorder of the nervous system that does not have origin in a physical damage, and is capable of altering the individual in its motor and sensory abilities
However, it is from the 19th century that the term began to be used in the way in which we understand it today. Indeed, between 1892 and 1899, Sigmund Freud published a series of papers that outlined a classification of different types of neurosis. It should be noted that this classification has been left aside until fall into disuse, despite the positive aspects that may be extracted. What happens is that the schemes of Freud were very controversial for its time and still are for ours. Many question that your reasoning about the neuroses lacks scientific rigor, although it is undeniable that has influenced significantly the approach to the psyche-related therapies.
Basically a neurosis is an inadequate response to the stress that an individual can suffer. You can develop various symptoms but the patient always understands that something is malfunctioning, circumstance that realizes that keep the links with reality. Various methods such as psychotherapy, behavioral therapy or the use of drugs can be used to treat it.
The pressures imposed by the society are a source of pain that undermine our mood. Therefore, it is important to know to behave against the stress, facing only those problems that have a solution and giving the correct priorities.