What is the Meaning & Definition of Nevado

He is designated with the term snowed all that place or thing that is covered by snow. Meanwhile, snow is designated to that weather phenomenon characterized by rainfall on the land of tiny ice crystals.
Mentioned once fallen from the sky crystals adopt different shapes, the same monopolistic irregular and are grouped into flakes.
To the touch, snow gives sensation of roughness, since his material is granular.
The same formation occurs most frequently when water vapor undergoes deposition high in the atmosphere at one temperature lower than 0 °, falling to Earth with the aforementioned appearance after this climatic situation.
Meanwhile, not in all regions of the world this meteorological phenomenon is common but that it will depend on the storm in question and the location of the region, such as latitude and elevation.
In those latitudes closer to the Ecuador there is less chance of nevada, on the other hand, some mountains which are located near the Ecuador presented a permanent snow cover in its highest parts, for example, Mount Kilimanjaro or the Andes in South America.
Incredibly, in many regions of the Arctic and the Antarctic to there is no practically rainfall and even despite the intense cold that characterizes these areas does not generate snow. Other curious case tends to be that of the city of New York, that although it is at the same height as the European cities of Rome and Madrid, the snow turns out to be much more intense than in the last two.
And as it is the case with the heavy rainfall, hurricanes and earthquakes, snow often cause serious complications in the lives of the inhabitants of the city snowing and in the very same cities, from interrupt communications and services in the regions affected to the deterioration of some infrastructure.
But there is also another side of the coin since the snow leads to fun and entertainment because the undisputed protagonist of many sports such as skiing, snowboarding, allows winter is to play on sledges, build snowmen, throwing snowballs, among other alternatives.
Among the most common types of snow are: gust, snowstorm, freezing rain, hail, sleet, Blizzard of snow and snow pellets.