What is the Meaning & Definition of nonsense

The most recurrent use of the absurd term occurs when you want to refer to what does not make sense or that opposes and is contrary to reason. The theory proposed by the investigator on the case is really absurd. On the other hand, the term is also often used to account for what is characterized as bizarre, irrational, arbitrary, contradictory, nonsensical and irregular.
Meanwhile, also called nonsense that made or said irrational or that is certainly opposed to reason. His behavior at the meeting, getting up in the middle of it and down pants front all was a real nonsense that no one had.
At the behest of the logic absurd is a set of propositions that inevitably lead to the denial of the same.
In another order of things, nonsense is a literary technique often used especially in humorous or parodic texts and that basically involves the introduction of incoherent elements within a predictable framework.
Many cultural movements that have gone through history have made use of the absurd at some point; for example the patafisica, developed in the second half of the 20th century and which was characterized by proposing a kind of parodic science who dedicated himself to the study of imaginary solutions and laws governing exceptions.
But in addition, the term can be found associated with others, such is the case of absurd humor, which is a type of comedy which makes emphasis on situations absurd or inconsistent to make the public laugh. The British group Monty Pyton, which exerted its influence in the middle between 1969 and 1983 is one of the greatest exponents of this type of humor.
The absurdism or the absurd philosophy is inspired by the belief that absolute and default meaning of the universe in relation to the man there; characterized then by his scepticism with regard to the universal principles of the existence.
This philosophical trend is closely linked to Existentialism. It has been driven by the philosopher and French writer Albert Camus once it decided to separate from the Existentialism.
And finally, the theatre of the absurd is a concept that is used to refer to a set of works written by a group of playwrights in the decades of 1940, 1950 and 1960.