What is the Meaning & Definition of private law

It belongs to the private law of governing the relationship between individuals raised in their name and benefit. It is a branch of law established by the civil law and the law of the Affairs of others. Civil law governs relationships private citizens, generally to protect the interests of the individual in matters moral and heritage. In addition, the business law (or commercial law) regulates everything pertaining to the exercise of the profession of merchant (persons, acts, places and contracts).
Private law can be opposite, for analytical purposes, the public right, which studied the legal order of law between citizens and Government reports, and between many organizations connected to the public power.
However, we will retain that, in addition to govern relations between individuals, private law also regulates relations between citizens and the State when the latter acts as an individual and does not exercise public power.
The separation between private and law public ended para disappear over time, in particular from the moment where public administration began to outsource more of its activities in companies subject to private law.
The fundamental principles of private law are the autonomy of the will (each party made what it him please) and the principle of equality (subjects of law are on a footing of equality in respect of private acts).