What is the Meaning & Definition of report

Notify is the action communicate a person specific information through a formal mode. The company for example, notifies the worker in an official way his dismissal through the corresponding dismissal letter. Similarly, students seeking admission in a University in particular receive the response from acceptance through a written notice.

Formal communication

Companies notify the candidates in a selection process when are going to produce the job interview or the next test in the selection process. In this case, companies tend to communicate with the workers via phone or via email, and in both cases the message tone is formal to be framed in a professional context. A Chief can notify employees of important information in the company at an extraordinary meeting of working.
When an opposition official examinations are called is reported in an official way date, place of the examination and the agenda for the test. Those processes that require a judicial process, for example, the divorce settlement is also likely to notice.

Communicate important information

When a couple goes home notifies attendees to the ceremony venue through a card of
written greeting. There are many possible notifications in personal life. For example, the proposal of marriage a person does your partner is a clear example of important request whose response is also equally definitive.
It is also important to notify family and friends over a couple break information since it's an important change in the personal life. It is notified, something that has some kind of important value. After the death of a loved one also reported to family and closest friends the loss of that being special.
Report is to communicate a concrete information, however, nobody is reported, for example, that will make the shopping cart. I.e., any information that is reported is one that has a more important weight in personal or professional life.
It also notifies the winner of a literary contest which has been awarded and must collect their award on a specific day.