What is the Meaning & Definition of geological map

Representation of geological accidents of the Earth on a plane

Maps are a tool for use in research, location and in the Studio because offer us a geographic representation of the planet Earth projected on a flat surface. Meanwhile, the concept of geological refers to anything owned or linked to geology. Geology is the science par excellence, which deals with the study of the Earth, its origin its Constitution and materials that make it up inside and out. And geological maps, then, bring us a representation detailed of all present in the Earth's surface geological accidents, such is the case of the types of rocks present, the geological formations, the deformations of the geological structures such as: holomorphic, faults and folds, among others. Also as with other types of maps, they are symbols and colors, the use of different colour types that allow singling each accident in particular. Then, in the references will identify what represents each color used.

Main uses

It is important to note that although geological maps were developed by geologists to assist their research activities, with the passage of time has have erected in fundamental tools in various areas such as the exploitation of hydrocarbons, oil type and gas, also in mineral exploration, in the location of new underground water resources. They are also used at the behest of the design and planning of communication works as tracks of a railway or motorways, and are essential today in the study of the natural resources available in a field in anticipation of issues such as the permeability of the same or the possibility that flooding will occur. The tremendous utility that these maps have and that newly raised demand an absolute thoroughness and knowledge at the time of its preparation. I.e., suitable professionals must deal with its production because it is necessary to know information and identify failures, drawbacks of soil, climatic factors, degrees of environmental pollution, among others, all issues that affect its conformation.