What is the Meaning & Definition of topographic map

Representation of the land surface with contour lines that mark the variations in the relief

Maps are essential tools for humans when it comes to geographically locate us since they offer us a representation of the planet Earth on a flat surface, and so are in identifying in the territories that make up the Earth's surface different particularities. Meanwhile, in the special case of topographic map it brings us a representation of the Earth's surface through contour lines that are intended to show us concrete and very visibly variations that exist on Earth in terms of relief. In these maps is stands out the level of detail of the relief, and as we said, level curves are the employee resource and which better allows the demonstration with utmost precision.

Main variables that represent graphically

Also, this type of map identifies other variables such as vegetation, hydrography, soils, locations, buildings carried out by human beings, such is the case of bridges, dams, roads, plantations and power lines, among others. They are able to represent vast areas of the territories, countries, regions, provinces and localities, as already noted. Contour lines that consist of lines drawn on a map and connecting all the points that have the same conditions of terrain and altitude can reflect the way that the Earth's surface in an irrefutable manner. So that the identification and recognition is understandable and simple using colors and symbols that will have the Mission of indicate the presence of mountains, mountain ranges, valleys, rivers, among other typical landforms. Meanwhile, the legend of the map shows the references of each symbol and color.


Currently there are many disciplines that make use of these maps information provided it is them very useful for tasks that showcases, among them we can mention architecture, the Earth Sciences, mining, of course the geography, recreation of widespread practice today as it is the case of hiking and mountaineering , and any activity that demands of a thorough knowledge of the terrain, which is what exactly these maps also addressed in detail.